Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Birthday Celebrations and Graduation.

Whelp, we finally did it. Andrew and I graduated from Brigham Young University—Idaho on July 23. Sadly we didn't graduate in the same building because Andrew graduated in Communications (Hart Building) and I graduated in English (Manwaring Center Building), but we were able to meet up afterwards and snag this awesome graduation selfie.

Convocation didn't start until 8 pm and we had someone babysitting Rebekah at the time, so this is the only picture we got on the night of graduation, but we made it right? 

A few days after graduation my sister Amber came to stay with us for a couple of days, which Rebekah loved so much! She loves spending time with Auntie Amber and sometimes she even prefers her to me! Anyways, Amber's birthday is July 26, so Andrew and I treated her to dinner on Saturday at Red Robin to celervrate her 21st birthday and our new college degrees. 

We had a lot of fun celebrating Amber's birthday and graduation. Rebekah sure loved all the time she had with Auntie Amber and spent most of the meal sitting on her lap.

Sunday after church we went to the BYU-I campus and got a few more graduation pictures with Rebekah.

She even stole daddy's hat for a few pictures. 

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