Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Adventures in Atlanta, GA

Did you know that Coca-Cola was founded in Atlanta, GA? Me either, well at least not until we went to the World of Coke. 

Getting our pictures taken as we share a drink with the founder of Coca-Cola, John Pemberton. After Pemberton died the Coca-Cola company was bought by Asa G. Candler, who looks a lot like Mr. Fenny from Boy Meets World, no? 

The different bottles of Coca-Cola they had throughout the world of Coke were amazing! 


Getting ready to challenge our taste buds as we tried 100+ varieties of Coca-Cola products throughout the world. Rebekah even tried a few different pops, but we mainly stuck with giving her the fruity, uncarbornated drinks. 

Rebekah was thrilled with our  visit of Coca-Cola World. She loved meeting the Polar Bear and getting her picture with him, but we didn't end up buying a copy because they wanted $25 for one picture, which was a bit lame. She had a fun time walking around the store and seeing all of the different toy bears, balls and cups. 

We had lunch at a Subway near the Centennial Olympic Park and got a nice view of the Olympic torch and Ferris wheel. After walking through the park for a little bit, we headed over to Martin Luther King Jr's house.


After visiting Dr. King's house we stopped by the church were he used to preach and got a picture. 

 Then we headed back to Ellsworth's and had a lovely dinner with them at Kirby G's, where Andrew and I both tried our first fried pickle. It was a thrilling experience. 

Rebekah loved all of the pictures of Elvis inside of Kirby G's. I guess no one told her that he's her great grandma Kerstetter's boyfriend. 

After dinner we went to Rita's to indulge our sweet tooth.

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