Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Adventures with the Ellsworths

While staying with the Ellsworths in Georgia, we had the chance to check out the free zoo Noah's Ark. Rebekah loved walking around and seeing all the different animals the zoo had to offer. I think her favorite part was being able to pet the Llama and Cow. Sadly, I wasn't able to get any pictures of this because our camera died shortly after our arrival.

These dancing little prairie dogs were adorable.

Callum liked walking beside me and holding my hand as we made our way through Noah's Ark. 

After Noah's Ark, we headed to the outlet mall to grab some lunch and look around the shops. It was good that we stopped by the shops because Andrew left his ball cap in Ohio, so his poor little head was starting to suffer. Luckily we were able to find a semi-cheap ball cap to cover his head. 

We ate lunch at this retro Denny's diner, and it was surprisingly quite delicious! I'm always a little hesitant when I enter a Denny's, but that's probably just because the one that is closest to home isn't the best quality . . . or maybe it's all the midnight runs that ruined the Denny's quality. 

Uncle Ands was the hero for letting the kiddies ride in this cute Tigger boat. Usually these mall rides are overpriced, but I feel we got our money's worth since all of the kids fit for one ride.

We also checked out Perimeter Mall in Atlanta while we were visiting, and I must admit this mall makes the mall back home look like a rundown Goodwill. It was two floors high, full of glorious shops that both children and parents could enjoy. 

The kids loved walking through the Disney Store and seeing all of the toys. Rebekah took a particular interest to the princess castle with the talking mirror, and spent the whole time playing with the mirror and talking to herself. 


Of course we had to pay a visit to Lush and stock up on some yummy bath bombs. I really wish we had a Lush closer to us; the nearest Lush store is in SLC, which isn't too bad,  but wouldn't it be so nice to just drive down the road and be at a Lush store? A girl can dream. At least I can always order more goodies online. 


Andrew got this darling video of Rebekah playing in the mirror while Heather and I were looking at clothes. 

Rebekah was so exhausted by our trip to the mall that she fell asleep on our drive to the temple, which was only a few minutes away. The Georgia temple was stunningly beautiful. I loved all the stain glass windows, and was especially fond of how many butterflies were on the grounds. 

Our beautiful niece Eliza.

Rebekah's new favorite thing is to find a sitting spot no matter where she is, even if it's not the most comfortable location. She loved sitting on this little ledge and looking at the flowers.

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