Saturday, August 29, 2015

Laramie, WY- Rexburg, ID

As we drove to Laramie, WY we decided we needed to stay somewhere a little more glamorous than the Travelodge, so we stayed at the Hampton Inn & Suites. Our room was a bit more expensive, but it was nice and spacious, and it was our last night in a hotel. So it was okay to splurge a little, right?

We didn't go anywhere glamorous for dinner, not that Laramie was lacking in dining options, but it was Sunday evening so most of the restaurants were close. We went to Chili's though and it was delicious. I also snagged this little selfie to show off my baby bump at 30 weeks. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone, and there are two babies in there! 

Rebekah was super cute and cuddly to her blanket and Horsie on the drive. I couldn't resist the urge to take like a thousand pictures because I mean everything she does is adorable, right?  

How precious are those blue eyes and that gorgeous little smile? She's going to be a little heart breaker for sure.

Our little angel napped for most of the drive, her teeth were coming through at the time, so I think that wore her out a bit. 

We made it to Jackson, WY! Hopefully we'll be able to actually visit Jackson more in depth while we're living on this side of the states.

Check out the curvature on that tree, so windy! This was while we were going down the mountains in WY.

She started to get restless so I gave her my empty Dr. Pepper bottle and she loved bonking it on her head. 

I love all the student housing stickers stuck to the Idaho state sign, I guess they all just really wanted to leave their mark.  

Andrew was very excited to see all the British Goodies he had waiting for him when we got home. I think he only has a pot noodle and a bag of crisp left. Guess Christmas shopping for him will be easy this year, I'll just restock his supplies.

As soon as we walked in the door Rebekah rushed to her rocking chair and started rocking. The cushion is missing because I had to wash it before we left.

Rebekah's idea of helping mommy unpack was pulling all of her toys into the suitcase and then climbing in and sitting down so she could play.

Lincoln, NE- Laramie, WY

The highway had these really cool pillars with corn on them because I guess Nebraska is known for its corn growing. We also passed this really cool rock statue of Abraham Lincoln. 

Rebekah was a happy camper on our drive. Her teeth still bothered her every now and again, but she loved playing with her new books from Grandpa and Grandma and her new Horsie. 

We made it to Wyoming, but still had another 7 1/2 hours to go until we would make it back to the lovely Rexburg, ID.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Paducah, KY-Lincoln, NE

On our way to Lincoln, NE we passed through St. Louis, MO and got a beautiful view of the skyline and the Gateway Arch. Sadly, we didn't have enough time to stop and ride the arch or check out the city of St. Louis, but we were able to get this beautiful photo. We'll just have to add the Gateway Arch to our next bucket list of road trip adventures.

Rebekah had a harder time traveling to NE, but I think it's because she was (and still is) teething like crazy. She has her four canine teeth coming in and I also think her two year old molars are starting to come through. Poor bambina. She still had lots of fun playing with her baby doll and blankie. 

We drove for about 3-4 hours before pulling off for gas, and we ran across this lovely little shop! 

There were so many toys Rebekah didn't know what to do. She kept grabbing one off of the shelf, giving it cuddles and then moved onto a new toy. We bought her this cute little horse that she absolutely adores.

The store also had a section set aside specifically for hillbilly and redneck items. We found this awesome hair brush for Andrew's dad while looking through these sweet gadgets.

The store even had a decent selection of Disney knick knacks, ornaments and other figurines. If only we had more time to look around! We went outside to make lunch before heading back on the road, but Rebekah went to the bathroom so I had to go back inside and change her. I felt bad because the bathroom was on the second floor (we didn't check it out at all and I didn't have my phone at the moment) anyways they had the coolest cow section upstairs and I wish Andrew could have seen it, but we needed to get on the road so we could make it to our hotel at a decent time.

Rebekah loved having her horse to play with as we continued our journey to NE. 

There wasn't much excitement as we drove through Iowa. The scenery was mostly flat plains or fields full of corn, but we were able to see a epic Lion King sunset.

McDonough, GA-Paducah, KY

Besides Atlanta being the birthplace of Coca-Cola, it is also the birthplace of the popular fast-food franchise Chick-fil-a. We didn't get the chance to stop by the original Chick-fil-a while we were in Georgia, but we were able to see a lot of really cool billboards and water towers advertising the restaurant.

Rebekah was happy and cheerful as we made our way to Paducah, KY. She was sad to leave her cousins Maddie and Callum behind, especially after all the fun times they had this week. :)

We passed through Tennessee on our way to KY, and were only an hour away from my sister Bianca's house. I wish we had more time to stop and visit with them, but we had to stick to our schedule so Andrew could be back at work on Monday. Maybe we'll be able to visit with them next time we go to Ohio, since Adam just got a job there.

We also drove through Illinois for a good ten minutes and then we crossed the Kentucky border. Woot woot!

Rebekah sure loved these little snack containers and I did too; it was easy to hand her snacks as we drove and nice not having to worry about her making a mess. 

Our drive to Paducah was only 6 1/2 hours, so we were able to spend some time relaxing before dinner. We even went swimming for a little bit! The pool was outside, and the water was pretty cold so we didn't last too long. After our short swim we went to O'Charley's and had a nice sit down meal. 

The yummy cheese fondue and tater tot appetizer Andrew and I ordered.

Rebekah rather enjoyed the tater tots and rolls, but she didn't care for the cheese fondue all that much.