Sunday, September 6, 2015

32 Weeks!

I can't believe I'm already 32 weeks pregnant! This pregnancy has gone by so quickly compared to my pregnancy with Rebekah, not that her pregnancy was horrible or anything,  it is just that everything was new as I was experiencing it for the first time.

Although being pregnant with twins is a new experience, it hasn't really felt any different than a single pregnancy. Well, besides the fact that I feel like an enormous whale. I'm still pretty tiny for carrying two babies though, I honestly don't know how two babies are fitting in there. 

I'm just about to start going to the doctors twice a week, so they can more closely monitor the babies heartbeats, check for contractions and just make sure everything is running smoothly for mommy and babies.

Here's an updated  picture of Twin A & Twin B. Twin A is 30 weeks and 5 days, and weighs 3 pounds 10 ounces. While Twin B is 31 weeks old and weighs 4 pounds.

The past couple of days I've been an emotional wreck. We went to Texas Roadhouse on Saturday night and Just Fishing by Trace Adkins came on the radio and I started blubbering like a fool. This seriously has to be my favorite daddy/daughter song though.

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