Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Very Disney Princess Baby Shower

When Rebekah was born, I didn't really give much thought to a themed baby shower; I was more concerned with making sure we had everything we needed/anticipating our new baby girl's arrival to plan a baby shower. So, my baby shower consisted of playing Ticket to Ride with my little sister Amber and my good friend Elizabeth, and it was a lot of fun! But now that we're expecting twins I wanted to throw myself (with the help of my sister) a themed baby shower and allow myself the chance to get really excited about decorating our little girl's room. 

And, what better way to do this than by throwing a Disney Princess baby shower? Something that the little girls are bound to enjoy for years to come, plus my love for Disney is something I hold very dear to my heart. 

We had lots of Disney-inspired games that we played, such as Name that Disney Baby where each guest got a piece of paper numbered 1-12 and had to write down the name of the Disney baby and the movie in which the baby appeared. We also played The Disney Princess Name Game where each guest pulled a Disney Princess' name out of a little baggie and took 5 minutes to write down as many names starting with that letter as they could think of. So, if you pulled out Elsa you would take 5 minutes to write as many names that start with 'E' that you could think of. 

We also played a few more tradition baby shower games, like the My Water Broke and Don't say Baby games. I have to admit that I think the shower was a huge hit, and I sure had a lot of fun making the decorations, planning the games and setting everything up; it would be so much fun to plan parties for a living! Maybe, someday!


I even made cute little cupcake toppers and photo booth props for us to use, and the best part is I can reuse both of these crafts for many Disney Princess themed birthday parties in the future!  

 I'm so grateful for all of my wonderful friends that were able to attend my shower and extremely thankful for their generosity; I've saved most of Rebekah's baby clothes, but didn't realize how little newborn clothes we had until a couple of weeks ago. It was such a blessing being able to get some clothing for the twins to wear, and such a huge help for Andrew and I.

My friend Katie made adorable diaper babies out of loose diapers and baby clothing, which Rebekah absolutely adored. She loved carrying the baby around and holding it in her arms; I can't wait for her to meet the twins! I can already tell that she's going to be such a great big sister! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Eastern Idaho State Fair

As the twins arrival gets closer, Andrew and I have been making sure to spend lots of quality time with Rebekah; whether it be going out to dinner, taking her out for a treat, reading lots of books or going to the park we want to make sure she knows how much we love and treasure her, especially since the twins are going to demand a lot of our time and energy when they're born. 

A couple weeks ago, we were able to take Rebekah to the Eastern Idaho State Fair and she had a blast! She loved walking around the petting zoo, playing in the little sand box full of corn kernels and driving the little toy cars around. We also had a lot of fun, and even had the chance to get some yummy Reed's Dairy ice cream.


Andrew tried his hand at a few of the fair games, and I never realized how rigged the fair was; the workers running the booths talk so fast so they lure you into playing their games, which are a complete ripoff and the prizes are nearly impossible to win. 

 Andrew tried playing this Thor Hammer's game, only to be made fun of by the sassy old man running the booth for not hitting the target hard enough. No, but really the old man was pretty sweet he gave Rebekah a little tiger for free and a inflatable baseball bat.


Sadly, Rebekah didn't keep her tiger that long. We started walking around the fair again and got pulled into playing a different game.  The guy running this booth wasn't as nice because he would only give Rebekah a prize if we traded her tiger in, which we did. And, it worked out too because now Rebekah has this adorable little doggie that she loves to pieces.


 As we were heading to the petting zoo, we found this cute little play area for toddlers. Rebekah loved playing with the corn, rocking horses and getting her picture taken with the cows. 

After Rebekah had some time to unwind and play we headed over to the petting zoo. She sure loved being able to play with all the different animals, especially the sheep. 


This adorable baby horse was less than a week old when we went to the fair. Rebekah was so excited to see the baby horsie.

We also saw some pretty gigantic milking cows at the fair, and some pretty impressive pumpkins. The pumpkin that won first place weighed 684 pounds, talk about a lot of pumpkin pie! 

The fair had a lot of really cool booths and displays set up in warehouses. We walked around a crafting display and I was in complete awe at the raw amount of talent people had, especially when it came to the cake decorating portion. 

We also found a set of creepy clowns as we were walking through the crafting display warehouse. I don't think I'd survive knowing one of these clown dolls was in my house, or even on my block for that matter.

After walking around for a little while longer we found another play area for Rebekah to stretch her legs. We let her play for a while because we were planning on meeting up with some friends, but that didn't work out so we got ice cream and Olive Garden instead.