Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Beach (take 2)

How is it possible that two years have passed since my sweet little twins were born? I can't believe Charlotte and Emily turn two today! We wanted to do something fun and special for their birthday, so we went to IHOP for breakfast. 

Since the girls had so much fun at the beach the last time we went and since this was our last day in San Diego, we decided to go to the beach again for their birthday. We already went to La Jolla Beach, so we thought it would be fun to try a new beach this time and Andrew really wanted to drive on this highway. 

This isn't my picture, obviously, I don't own a helicopter. ;) I just wanted to show how crazy this highway is. Anyway, so we decided to go to Coronado Beach.

That, however, was a horrible mistake since the beach was right by an air force base and planes kept flying overhead. Charlotte and Emily were glued to my legs before we even took two steps on the sand. We decided it was best to just pack our things up again and go to La Jolla Beach again. 

Once we were at a quieter location and after watching some Mickey Mouse the girls finally calmed down again. Although, Emily had a rough time when a seagull stole her bag of goldfish. It was pretty traumatizing. Poor thing. Overall, though I think they had a great birthday and we all enjoyed our little trip to San Diego. 

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