Monday, October 2, 2017

The Beach (take 1)

Monday morning we headed to India Street in San Diego to check out the Shakespeare Corner Shoppe. Andrew was excited to find sausage rolls, scotch eggs and lots of delicious British chocolate. 

After we finished looking around the British shop, we walked up and down India Street. The street was full of different restaurants and shops pertaining to certain cultural. We passed Greek , Italian and Lebanese restaurants. We didn't have time to try all of the food, but we did settle for some Gelato. 

 It was my first time having gelato, as well as the girl's. We all really enjoy the sweet, yet refreshing treat before heading to La Jolla beach. 

The girls were so excited when we got to the beach. Rebekah, Charlotte and Emily loved playing in the sand making sandcastles and cookies. Sadly, they didn't care for the ocean that much. Even when mom and dad were sitting right beside them, so Andrew and I took turns watching the babies while the other enjoyed jumping in the waves. 

It was so bright and warm at the beach, as you can tell my pictures didn't turn out the greatest because of the brightness, but I tried salvaging them the best that I could. If we plan a beach trip again in the future I'll have to make sure my camera is under some shade so I don't catch the sun head on. Oh well, at least we all had fun. 

After leaving  La Jolla Beach, we headed to Little Italy, which is a street in San Diego full of Italian restaurants. A lot of the restaurants were pricey, so it took us a while to find somewhere kid friendly and cheap. We ended up eating at the Mona Lisa and the food was scrumptious. We even got a yummy chocolate cake for dessert. 

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