Sunday, October 1, 2017

Old Town San Diego

We arrived in San Diego late Saturday night, so we didn't do much. We ate dinner at CRUST Kitchen; the food was scrumptious, but the service kind of sucked. Andrew ordered a pizza, but the wait staff didn't bring it out to him for over an hour. While he was waiting for his food the girls and I had already received and finished our meals.

We didn't let that get us down though! We spent Sunday morning lounging by the pool and enjoying the wonderful 70 degree weather. 

Rebekah loved using her new paddle jumper float. She was so excited that she could swim on her own, without mom and dad's help. The twins, however, did not like their new baby floats. Charlotte freaked out every time I left her to float on her own. After spending time with daddy Emily was more than happy to float around the pool by herself. 

After a morning of swimming, we decided to check out Old Town San Diego. The shops were beautiful and full of bright colors, the food was delicious and the atmosphere was amazing. During dinner we even got serenade by a lovely Mexican man. 

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