Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Saving money.

Well over Andrew's thanksgiving break I decided I was sick of having to pay 1.50 every time I wanted to wash or dry a load of clothes and we can't afford a washer/dryer right now so I decided to kick it old school. I googled how to wash clothes by hand and we've been using the tub ever since. It's very time consuming, but seeing as I have very little to do before going to work it fits in perfectly. It takes about 20 minutes for a small load, 25 minutes to wash a medium load and 30 minutes for a bigger load. The only downside is it takes a while for the clothes to dry..about two days, but once it's warmer we'll be able to have the door open and windows open which will help the clothes dry faster. :)


  1. This is amazing!! Are you still doing this? Sorry for the stalk, I am a friend of Andrew's from Ipswich (Panda to me!) and found this via Heather's blog. Hope all is well with you both and that you're loving married/pregnant life! :)

  2. I actually gave up after a few days because it was such a long process. It wouldn't be as bad to do in the summer because things could dry better, so maybe when we have more space I'll pick it up again. :) Everything is going well with us. The semester is almost done, which is exciting. :) How are things going for you?
