Friday, September 28, 2012

Our Sweet Abode.

For all of you who have been wondering if we're living out of a cardboard box, i assure you these are some pictures of our apartment. First the living room it was absolutely bare out first few weeks, luckily when Ashley and Micah were visiting they were kind enough to allow us to use their truck and look at some furniture. Andrew was my handy-man as we were putting together our new home, he put the TV stand together, the bedside tables and the bookshelf. I absolutely love out kitchen, it's so spacious which makes me super happy! I love cooking/baking so lots of room is excellent. Our bathroom is a little small, but it works. Andrew picked out the shower curtain, it's green and brown so that's our color theme for the bathroom. We have two bedrooms in our apartment, we're using the second bedroom as a spare room/storage room. It has stuff that we're giving to my little sister in the winter and lots of odds and ends of ours...hopefully it'll be a baby room soon. :) Then we move onto our bedroom. Here's a picture of the lovely picture frame my sister Athena got us. And finally we have out Laundry/shoes/coats closet. And that's a tour of our apartment. :)

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