Friday, August 19, 2016

Road Trip to Ohio!

The month of August we decided to road trip out to Ohio . . . again. This time was a little different; I wasn't pregnant with twins, we had three adults to switch off driving, and we had four children under three, but we were determined to make it to OH for my little sister's wedding. 

We tried driving straight through, but with little success. Andrew was driving the first shift, while Ash and I tried to get some sleep. 

The babies had plans of their own. 

We made it to OH after a day and a half of driving. It was so much fun being able to see all of my siblings and be a part of my little sister's wedding! 

Amber was such a beautiful bride! It was so nice being able to attend their sealing in the Columbus OH temple. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I get to be with my family forever.

While we were in OH, Andrew and I also got the chance to spend time with all of my siblings. It was so much fun seeing everyone again and getting to meet each others' children. I can't wait util we live closer. :)

Grandma and Grandpa with almost all of the grandkids. Shawn and Angie's children aren't in the picture. We'll have to get another picture of all our kids soon. 

While we were in OH my parents watched the girls so Andrew and I could go to Cedar Point for the day (a very amazing amusement park, it knocks all other parks out of the water). ;) 

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