Tuesday, July 5, 2016

We bought a house!

July has been a big month for us because Andrew and I bought a HOUSE! Yay! It's so nice having a place of our own, but man it such a headache having to go through the legal process. I'm just so grateful we have a place of our own. 

The twins also turned 9 months old in July! I honestly don't know where the time is going, it feels like we were just bringing them home from the NICU yesterday. Anyway they are getting so big! They now eat lots of baby food, but will have some solid snack type food like cereal and parents choice little puffs. Don't they look so cute snacking together? 

They also like drinking their bottles together, and will hold them on their own now. They could hold their bottles when they were 8 months old, but would only do it when they felt like it. 

The girls can both do their one-armed army crawl now. It's funny because they use the opposite arm to lead. Maybe one twin will be right-handed and the other will be left-handed? 

Emily has had her first two teeth poke through. None for Charlotte yet, but I'm sure she won't be far off. These girls have been so close together with all of their developments. It's pretty amazing. 

And, here's a picture of Emily planking, silly baby. 

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