Sunday, January 19, 2014

Home Sweet Home!

 Thursday evening I was discharged from the hospital and we brought Rebekah home! Amber stayed the night to help me out since Andrew had to work that night. We still have a lot of settling in to do but I'm glad we're home now. :) Andrew's lovely mother came down on Friday to help us get settled in and adjusted to being parents. It was so nice having her here to help out with things, I really appreciate all that she did/does for our family. :)

 We came home to these gorgeous flowers from daddy and these lovely flowers from nanny and grandad. :)

I had my first week alone with Rebekah at night while Andrew was working and I think I'm getting the hang of things. She's such a calm and happy baby, which makes learning how to become a mother so much easier. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone since we've brought Rebekah home! It's crazy to think  she'll be two weeks old on Tuesday!

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