Sunday, January 19, 2014

Baby Shower!

I was planning on having my baby shower the Saturday after I got discharged from the hospital, I quickly learned that this wasn't a good idea. I was still and still am recovering from major surgery and learning how to be a mother. So I pushed my baby shower back a week, which made a huge difference. I'm feeling more confident as a mother now and I feel a lot better from my surgery. :) 

 Amber and Elizabeth came over early to help me decorate and get things ready for the baby shower. Then the party began! We played the ice cube game to see who's water broke first. Then we decided to play Ticket to Ride, not a typical baby shower game but what the heck. :) We had lots of fun!

 Rebekah was an angel and slept during most of the baby shower, she only woke up once to eat.

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