Friday, December 27, 2013

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Andrew had Christmas Eve off from work so we made Christmas cookies together and watched a Christmas movie. He had to work Christmas night and since we're in the process of moving we decided to keep things simple. 
Andrew was anxious to open up his presents from Santa because he woke up at 5:30, but I didn't get out of bed until 10. Then we had breakfast, got ready for the day, and opened up our presents. 
 Our beautiful Christmas tree before we started unwrapping presents.
Andrew got a new pair of jeans from Santa Claus.
 Andrew bought me the BEST CHRISTMAS MOVIES EVER. If you haven't watched 'A Year Without a Santa Claus' I suggest you do!
Andrew got me this beautiful Willow Tree Figurine called Our Gift. It has the mommy and daddy holding their baby. :)

 Nanny made two beautiful sweaters for little Rebekah Kathleen, which will be adorable on her! :) 

 We also got some yummy British chocolates from Andrew's Mum and Dad. :)    

After we finished unwrapping our gifts we played one of our new board games Ticket to Ride which is A LOT of fun! Andrew beat me with a total of 109 points and I only had 89 points, but still it was very fun. :) Let's hope I don't make him sick of this game..I have a tendency to get a little obsessive about board games to the point that Andrew doesn't want to play them anymore. 
After the game we started working on our not so traditional Christmas dinner. We decided to do something cheaper since we went all out for Thanksgiving and since Andrew was working we didn't want to spend all day cooking, so we bought some nice steak and had mashed potatoes and corn with it.We finished off the night with a Christmas nap before Andrew had to go to work. It was a fantastic day! 

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