Monday, October 17, 2016

Our new home!

After living in our new house for a month I feel like we're finally settled in! We're loving our new little house so far. We have really nice neighbors and live in a great neighborhood. I'm so glad I finally have everything in it's proper place and that we're no longer living out of moving boxes. Such a nice feeling! Here's a little tour of our house, for all of you who have been dying to see it! 

The living room and kitchen are on the main level of the house. 

All of our bedrooms are on the upper level of the house. It's nice because the twins have their own room now and no longer share a room with us. 

Although they sure love playing in Rebekah's room a lot, probably because that's where al the toys are. :) 

 Aren't these little angels just adorable? I just can't get enough of them. I'm one lucky mama! 

The Master Bedroom is huge! I have enough room to have a little crafting table in the corner and we were able to upgrade to a king mattress. 

And then we have our family bathroom upstairs, which has lots of vanity and storage space. We want to try upgrading our bathroom before we move to help with the selling value. 

The basement level has a huge family room—we're using this as our theater room and the girls' playroom. It also has a guest bedroom and guest bathroom. 

Guest Bedroom & Bathroom

And here's the view of a backyard. I wouldn't mind getting a swing set for the girls and a pool for all of us down the road. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ogden's Dinosaur Museum

After the girls birthday party, we went down to Utah to spend some time with Nanny and Grandad. The girls were all so excited to see Nanny and Grandad and were happy to spend time with them. Rebekah got a little sick while we were away and had a slight fever. She was feeling better by Monday, so we decided to check out Ogden's Dinosaur Museum and she absolutely loved it!

 I tried getting a picture of the gang in front of the Trex, but Rebekah ran away too quickly saying, "I don't have too." Her newest response as of late when I ask her to do anything. Good thing she's so darn cute!

Rebekah really loved the animatronic dinosaurs they had on the top floor. She kept reassuring herself that they weren't real, they were only pretend.  

We found a little digging pit, where Rebekah was able to look for fossils. She had a lot of fun brushing the rubber away so she could find the bones. She also liked throwing it against the wall.

The museum had a fun little area outside with real life scale dinosaur replicas. They also had some funny Halloween decorations up too!

Rebekah loved walking through all the different spooky paths the workers' had created. She had a lot of fun leading the way.

After we had our dinosaur fix, we got some food to feed the fishes, but these cheeky ducks and goose kept stealing all the food.