Sunday, June 5, 2016

Twins at eight months!

Charlotte & Emily

You beautiful little girls are now 8 months old! I can't believe how quickly you both are growing. Emily you do this adorable one-armed army crawl. Charlotte you're not quite there yet, but you try following your winner around. You still roll everywhere though. 

You have both tried some solid foods, some of which mom gave you, and some of which you've found on the floor where big sister Rebekah left it. You girls really enjoy the Parent Choice yogurt bites and yogurt puffs. You've also sneaked pieces of spaghetti, gold fishes, pizza and graham crackers when mommy wasn't looking. Little stinkers. 

You can both hold your bottles now, but will only do it when you're in the mood too. I can't believe how big you girls are getting. Charlotte and Emily you are such sweet little babies and I love being your mama. 

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