Sunday, May 31, 2015

We're having twins!

Andrew and I are both very excited to be graduating in July; we can't wait to see where we'll end up next and what adventures we'll face along the way. What could be more exciting than finally graduating from college? Not much comes to mind, but I'll let you in on a little secret: we're expecting twins. 

And, not just any twins, but twin girls. Rebekah is going to be a big sister to two more beautiful daughters of God, and we can't wait to meet them. I admit I feel bad that Andrew is going to be so out numbered, but maybe we'll have a boy next time. 

I'm currently about 17 weeks, which means the babies' due date is October 27ish, but from everything I've read and heard twins usually deliver early. I'm just hoping they don't come too early, I don't want any pregnancy scares or complications. 
Pregnancy has been really good to me so far. I honestly have really great pregnancies (fingers crossed for the future) and never really have morning sickness or nausea. I just get really, really tired, but that's nothing new. I am always tired. I seriously could sleep forever if I had no other obligations or responsibilities. Maybe I should volunteer to do one of those stay-in-bed-for-a-week and get paid surveys. I bet I could do it. 
We went to the store the other day and bought Rebekah a baby doll to help prepare her for the twins' arrival. I know we still have a couple of months, but: 

Anyways, she's been so cute to her little doll. It came with a magic filling bottle, where the milk disappears if you hold it upside down, and she loves feeding her baby. She also enjoys rocking her baby, singing to it, napping with it, and giving it lots of kisses and cuddles. 

Now before the twins arrive I just need to: 
1. finish Rebekah's baby book 
2. finish writing my book & send it to a publisher
3. get better at blogging

Hopefully, I get better at writing a few monthly updates and maybe I'll even sneak in a preview of my book here and there. If our twins our as cute, funny, loving and smart as Rebekah then Andrew's going to be in a world of trouble when dating time rolls around.

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