Monday, December 28, 2015

Twins at Two Months!

Charlotte & Emily

Merry Christmas my sweet little girls! Time is just flying so quickly with you two! I can't believe you're already two months old!!

Charlotte is being held by Andrew (red PJs) and I am holding Emily.

Such beautiful little girls! Emily is wearing the pink shirt and Charlotte is wearing the PJs.

You both love napping, cuddling with each other, and being held by mommy, daddy and Aunt Amber. Your Aunt Amber moved out with us to help mommy and daddy out with Rebekah and you girls.

Charlotte is wearing the red PJs and Emily is wearing the pink PJs.

Emily you now weigh 8 pounds. 13.5 ounces and are 22 inches long. You're getting so big!! Charlotte you weigh 8 pounds. and 14 ounces and are 22.25 inches long. I can't believe how quickly you two are growing and how closely you are in your weights.

Big sister Rebekah stealing some of the cookies she helped mommy put out for Santa Claus.

Mommy, daddy and big sister love you both so much!

Love, mommy

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Twins at One Month!

Charlotte & Emily

Hello my beautiful twins! How is it possible you girls are already a month old? It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the NICU. It's crazy to think you're already a month old; you're still so little and tiny.

Charlotte is in the blue wrap. Emily is in the purple wrap.

Andrew is holding Emily (left) and I am holding Charlotte (right).



Charlotte, Rebekah, and Emily



Mommy, daddy and big sister Rebekah love you sweet little angels so much. We're so happy that you've joined our little family.

Love, Mommy

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Charlotte Ellen & Emily Marie Baxter

Well, I made it to 36 weeks, and then the twins decided to grace us with their presence. :) The day start off like any other day; Rebekah and I got up, played with her toys, read some books and then mommy got ready to go to her doctors appointment at 3:30. All day I had been feeling pretty crampy, so I asked my doctor to check and see if I was dilated so I would know for sure if I was having contractions. It turns out I was in fact having contractions and was dilated 2 cm. Yay!

I came home from the doctors and told Andrew the good news, we knew we still might have a little of waiting to do, but we were very excited to think that our little bambinas could be arriving in a couple of days, or sooner. We started gathering items for our hospital bag, made dinner (around 6) and watched some friends. But, while we were eating dinner (we had Tika Masla Curry) my contractions started to become more consistent and felt like they were only about five minutes apart, so we thought we would play it safe and head to the hospital.  

The problem was, I told Amber she could go to Idaho Falls for FHE, which is about 30 minutes away, so we had no babysitter at the moment. Luckily Amber's friend Stacia was willing to come over and stay with Rebekah until Amber got back. We headed to Madison Memorial Hospital, got checked in and then the waiting began. 

After being hooked up to monitors, to watch for contractions and keep track of the babies' heartbeats, and checking to see that I was continuing to dilate, Doctor Evans decided to have me admitted. We got to the hospital around 7 and were finally admitted around 9:30. Shortly after we were admitted and switched rooms, I decided that my contractions were too much and asked to get my epidural. I was a little nervous to get my epidural because when I was pregnant with Rebekah and got my epidural, my body got so relaxed that she tried pushing her way through which caused her heart rate to decrease. 

Well this time things weren't much different. I got my epidural and things were going good for a while and then the twins' heart rates started to slow down. The doctors were able to get the twin's heart rates back up, but Doctor Evans was concerned that other complications might arise (my uterus could rupture, the twins' heart rates could decrease again) if we waited for me to get dilated 10 cm (I was still 3 cm). Andrew and I talked the situation over and had to make a pretty quick and rash decision to have a c-section. I was pretty shaken up, scared and stressed out by everything that was going on so I asked Andrew to give me a blessing; it was such a huge relief and instantly calmed my nerves! 

Charlotte Ellen and Emily Marie were born around 11:55 on October 5th, 2015. They were both pretty small; Charlotte is 4lbs and 15oz and Emily is 4lbs and 12oz. They're both really tiny, their heads aren't much bigger than both of my fists. They have to be in the NICU too, because they were born at 36 weeks (I turned 37 weeks the following day, so they missed the 37th week mark by 5 minutes or so). 



Proud daddy holding both of his baby girls; Charlotte is on the left and Emily is on the right. 

Daddy holding Charlotte, while mommy was holding Emily.

Mommy holding the twins for the first time; Emily is on the left and Charlotte is on the right.

Charlotte is on the left and Emily is on the right.


Auntie Amber holding Charlotte for the first time. :) 

Amber wasn't feeling well a couple of days later when we went back to the hospital, so we have yet to get a picture of her holding Emily. She's held her already, we just weren't camera ready at the time. Rebekah gets pretty distracted when we're visiting the NICU and can sometimes be a handful; her latest fascination has been all the baby car seats in the NICU.

Here are a few pictures of Charlotte Ellen.


Here are a few picture of Emily Marie.  


Rebekah spending quality time with Charlotte. 

Rebekah spending quality time with Emily. 

Big sister Rebekah watching over little sister Emily; she kept trying to give Emily her dummy.

Don't mind the huge band-aid on my face, I'm getting over a cold sore. :( Andrew was holding Charlotte in this picture, while Rebekah and I held Emily.

We're not sure how long they'll be in the NICU, but we're grateful we're able to visit them frequently and that they're both healthy and strong and continuing to grow each day. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Very Disney Princess Baby Shower

When Rebekah was born, I didn't really give much thought to a themed baby shower; I was more concerned with making sure we had everything we needed/anticipating our new baby girl's arrival to plan a baby shower. So, my baby shower consisted of playing Ticket to Ride with my little sister Amber and my good friend Elizabeth, and it was a lot of fun! But now that we're expecting twins I wanted to throw myself (with the help of my sister) a themed baby shower and allow myself the chance to get really excited about decorating our little girl's room. 

And, what better way to do this than by throwing a Disney Princess baby shower? Something that the little girls are bound to enjoy for years to come, plus my love for Disney is something I hold very dear to my heart. 

We had lots of Disney-inspired games that we played, such as Name that Disney Baby where each guest got a piece of paper numbered 1-12 and had to write down the name of the Disney baby and the movie in which the baby appeared. We also played The Disney Princess Name Game where each guest pulled a Disney Princess' name out of a little baggie and took 5 minutes to write down as many names starting with that letter as they could think of. So, if you pulled out Elsa you would take 5 minutes to write as many names that start with 'E' that you could think of. 

We also played a few more tradition baby shower games, like the My Water Broke and Don't say Baby games. I have to admit that I think the shower was a huge hit, and I sure had a lot of fun making the decorations, planning the games and setting everything up; it would be so much fun to plan parties for a living! Maybe, someday!


I even made cute little cupcake toppers and photo booth props for us to use, and the best part is I can reuse both of these crafts for many Disney Princess themed birthday parties in the future!  

 I'm so grateful for all of my wonderful friends that were able to attend my shower and extremely thankful for their generosity; I've saved most of Rebekah's baby clothes, but didn't realize how little newborn clothes we had until a couple of weeks ago. It was such a blessing being able to get some clothing for the twins to wear, and such a huge help for Andrew and I.

My friend Katie made adorable diaper babies out of loose diapers and baby clothing, which Rebekah absolutely adored. She loved carrying the baby around and holding it in her arms; I can't wait for her to meet the twins! I can already tell that she's going to be such a great big sister!