Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Daddy's Cheeseburger Soup

Winter is here, and we all know that means colder weather, slushy snow, freezing wind and frost-bit checks. But winter also means it's time for lots of tasty soup and warm home-cooked meals. So it's time to dust off the crockpot and put it to use! My father makes the most delicious cheeseburger soup; it's quick, easy and tastes fabulous. It's my go-to soup in the winter, and I mademy first batch this a past week. 

The recipe is really quite simple. Most of the ingredients are usually on hand, and the rest of the ingredients are pretty cheap. 

You'll need 2 14.5 ounce cans of Chicken broth, 1 12 ounce can of evaporated milk, Veelveta cheese, carrots, onions, and celery. If you're like my family and love mushrooms, they make a great addition to this soup. Begin by chopping up the carrots ( i use my little chopper), celery, onions and mushrooms. Next melt 2 TBS of butter in a sauce pan, add the vegetables and sauté for 10 minutes. While the vegetables sauté begin to brown the hamburger. 

Drain the hamburger after it's done browning, and add the hamburger and chicken broth to the pan with vegetables. Bring the soup to a boil, cover and let simmer for 12 to 15 minutes, or until tender. When the potatoes are tender start adding cubes of Velveeta. The cheese can sometimes clump together, so make sure you constantly stir the soup as the cheese melts. Once the cheese melts you're ready to enjoy your delicious cheeseburger soup. YUM!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Busy Bees.

It's been ages since I've last updated the blog, and I'm not really sure what to write. Andrew will be graduating from school in April, and I graduate in July. It will feel weird not calling Rexburg home anymore, but I'm excited to see where our graduations lead us next. Rebekah is going to be one in like two months, and I seriously can't believe it's almost been a year since she was born. 
It's crazy how quickly she's growing up, but it's exciting watching her develop and grow. We bought her a gigantic cow a couple months ago that she absolutely adores, but for some reason she's terrified of Andrew's one cow that moos. She cries whenever he makes a noise and comes in for instant cuddles.

She's such a wonderful baby girl! She's happy all the time even when she's feeling poorly. She's started doing a one-armed zombie crawl to get around, and I'm sure she'll be crawling around terrorizing everything before I know it. She also loves clapping, and will mimic you if you clap. 

 We're going to Ohio in a couple of days, Andrew can't come with us because he'll be in school, but I'm so excited to see my family. It's been far to long, and I know they're all going to love Rebekah so much. It will be nice to have a break from work, and just be able to focus on spending time with my family. 
It will also be nice having time to write. Like I said, Rebekah is a really good baby so I usually have time to write during the day, but sometimes life gets in the way: the house needs cleaned, I have to work, or I want to spend my time working on other things. 
I have about fifteen chapters of my book done and am hoping to have a completed draft by the end of the year, so we'll see how that goes.
So, here's a copy of the first chapter of my book. Enjoy!