Saturday, March 8, 2014

Utah, Brian Regan & Boise!

This past week was a busy one! On Friday Andrew, Rebekah & I headed to Utah to spend some time with Nanny. We were all sad that Grandad couldn't be there because he was away, but we mamaged to have a good time.
Rebekah was such an angel on our drive down and slept most of the way! She only started to get fussy when we were about 40 minutes away. 
On Saturday we headed out to SLC with Andrew's mum. We stopped at the Aisian market, an organic market place in Trolley Square and went to Hires Big H for lunch.
If you haven't experienced the deliciousness of the Big H burger you need to try it soon! It's possibly the best burger I've ever had. :) 
Later that evening Nanny watched Rebekah so Andrew and I could go see Brian Regan!
We got really awesome seats and we're only five rows away from the stage! 

I don't think I laughed that hard in a while, Brian Regan was
H-I-L-A-R-O-U-S! My favorite story he told was about his experience trying to juice bananas. We got some great pictures of him too! 

We left Utah pretty early on Sunday & then before we knew it Wednesday was here and we were off to Boise!
Andrew got his interview notice for his green card and that's why we were heading down. 
Rebekah wasn't as happy about this drive down. She sleep for two hours and then we had to pull off and feed her. 
She kicked us out of our bed as soon as we got checked into our hotel.

Andrew and I always book dodgy hotels, I was worried someone was going to go all Normsn Bates on us, but we survived the night! 
We started to get nervous the closer the interview got, but it wasn't as bad as we thought. The guy interviewing us seemed  nice. Things went smoothly until he told us we forgot a form.
Yikes! We were both nervous that we'd have to start the application process again. But he gave us a month to get the form back to him and it's on the way now. So now it's just a matter of waiting for Andrew's green card to arrive. 


  1. I love this!! We love Hires, too. Thinking about their good burgers makes me miss SLC!

  2. So glad that the interview went okay. I loved looking after Rebekah, hoping you get to come at Conference time so I can see her (and you both of course) again.

  3. Sorry I was in Texas when you were here (it was snowing there, unbelievably). I am glad you had a good time.

    We are waiting for our Green Card application to go through, but it is not very far along yet. Will all be rather moot, of course, if we do get sent away this year.

  4. Heather maybe you'll get to visit soon! :) If so we'll all have to get together, Dianne thank you so much for watching her! She misses her Nanny and Grandad! Andrew told me the other day that he's been approved to have conference weekend off, so we'll be down. :) David, I didn't know it snowed in Texas. At least spring is in the air and we don't have to put up with snow for much longer! That's true, but it's smart to get it done just in case. Are you hoping to be sent out of the country for your next assignment?
