Monday, September 2, 2013

One Year in Vegas!

For our One Year Anniversary we decided to go to Vegas, which was full of crazy drivers but also a lot of fun! 
We arrived on Friday, but were both too tired to do anything after a 9 1/2 hour drive, so we just went to bed. But Saturday morning we started exploring the city. We stopped by the Pawn shop to one of our favorite TV shows "Pawn Stars." 


Sadly the crew wasn't in because the shop was under construction, but it was still pretty neat walking around inside! 
After that we headed to the "Strip" to look around. I was shocked by how HUGE everything was...we walked through a couple of the Casinos and I was certain we were going to get lost! BUT 
I think my favorite thing about the strip was the M&M and coke factories! 

I was shocked by the M&M wall, which was full of a bunch of M&M dispensers! 
After checking out M&M world we headed over to the coke factory. We decided to sample different types of coke from around the world.
We weren't impressed with a minty mouthwash tasting soda, beverly—an Italian grapefruit soda, or the Lemon soda from England. 
Surprisingly the rest were pretty good! 

A few pictures I got from the "strip"

I found each of the attractions on the strip very realistic. The buildings in New York New York were all detailed to look exactly like the real ones, although I don't think they were the same size.  
The Eiffel Tower also looked very realistic to me! Andrew said that he thinks it's even the same height as the one in Paris. 

While on the "strip" we also checked out Madame Tussand's Wax Museum! It was amazing how detailed each celebrity was. Some of my favorite were:  

Andrew with Jamie Foxx 

Andrew and Will Smith 

Tim McGraw and I 

Will Smith and I 

Andrew singing with Frank Sinatra! 

And of course The King. :) 

On Sunday we decided to have a relaxing day/evening. We headed to Lake Mead to check out the Las Vegas Temple, which was absolutely stunning!! 

So happy together!

I can't believe it's already been a year since I was sealed to my sweetheart Andrew James in the Columbus Ohio Temple. 
It has been such a wonderful year of marriage! We've grown closer to each other than from when we first started dating and I love this handsome man more and more each day. 

I can't wait for our little family to grow! I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life and the eternities with this man. 
He has become my best friend and I wouldn't want it any other way. 
This song sums up my feelings for Andrew perfectly: 

Now you're my whole life. 
Now you're my whole world. 
I just can't believe the way I feel about you 
Like a river meets the sea
Stronger than its ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then