Thursday, July 4, 2013

Week 11.

 Today Andrew and I went to Texas Roadhouse where I enjoyed mashed potatoes, corn and some yummy steak. I'm excited to say that at 11 weeks my morning sickness (queasiness) has stopped, my appetite has grown and I no longer hate red meat. 
Life is good. 
I don't think I'm showing and quite frankly I forget that I'm pregnant sometimes until I start cramping. So what do you think the verdict is: Am I showing or not? Any guesses as to what we'll have? Bianca thinks it's going to be a little girl. 
I guess we'll only know with time. 

Hope everyone had a safe & fun Fourth of July. :) 


  1. You look great! And, now I'm totally craving Texas Roadhouse! I am going to guess that you are having a girl, too! And, I hope she looks like you and not Andrew :). I'm glad things are going well!

  2. Thanks Heather. :) I'm feeling pretty well! My sister said the same thing about me having a girl, only another 10 weeks and we'll find out. :) Do they have Texas Roadhouse in Ohio...I know I should know the answer haha, but I never ate out much back home. Outback Steakhouse is supposed to be really good. I would love to have a little girl. :) I'm just hoping he/she has red hair! How are things going for you guys?

  3. Ahhh, if it's a girl I hope she has red hair too, that would be so cute. I know they have Texas Roadhouse in Columbus, but I've mostly seen Outback restaurants where we live. We're trying to be pretty frugal though so I don't see us going there any time soon haha. Things are going great for us, still loving it here. We had tornado warnings all day yesterday and crazy storms, the weather is definitely fun here!

  4. I know! It took me a while to appreciate red hair, but now I love it! I can understand wanted to save money until you get settled in. :) Ohio has some pretty crazy weather! Tornado warnings can be pretty scary, but I don't think I've ever been through one. I love the thunderstorms back east though! :]
