Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bun in the Oven

That's right we're having a baby! I'm so excited to be a mommy. We found out a while ago, but waited to tell friends and family until we knew that everything was going well and looking healthy with our little one. :) 
I'll be ten weeks tomorrow and so far pregnancy hasn't been too bad. I feel like I'm the girl that most girls hate because my morning sickness has just consisted of feeling queasy, but usually I can cure that by eating saltines or making sure I'm eating every two hours. I'm hoping that things don't get too bad during the next trimester because honestly, I am  perfectly okay with being that girl that  everyone hates. 
 We got our first ultrasound at week 8. That was really neat! The process of pregnancy is so amazing. It truly is a miracle. I love reading my baby app and seeing what's happening. At week 8 the baby was developing 100 brain cells per minute, this week it developed it's spleen, gallbladder and one other oragn and it's also doing little kirate moves inside of me. It's truly amazing how creative God is and how much he loves us. 
It's not the best picture, but that's our little angel and it's amazing how much he/she has grown. Our baby is about 1 inch in this picture, which is pretty tiny but it already has a heart beat and has been developing it's brain.
Here's a picture of me at week 9 (pretty much 10 weeks). I don't think you can tell I'm pregnant, but a few people at work have told me they can tell...I'm pretty sure that's just my belly because I love ice cream way too much! 
According to the Chinese Pregnancy Chart I'm going to be having a little girl, which would be a lot of fun. But a little boy would also be amazing. To be honest I'm okay with whatever God blesses us with. :)


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yellowstone Park.

I had Saturday off last week, I know shocker! We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and went to Yellowstone. We didn't realize how far away Yellowstone was (it ended up being about 2 1/2 hours and we didn't leave until 3). We were only driving for a few miles in Yellowstone when we came across this Bison:

We were so close! It was walking along the river beside the road. A little further down the road we saw a herd of Bison—they're such beautiful creatures and probably have the saddest eyes I've ever seen. Andrew slammed on the brakes after we turned a corner and I was really confused at first, I started looking around and then I saw this HUGE Bison trying to cross the road. It totally did a Buckbeak move, it pushed it's hoof on the ground and then bowed it's head and let us pass. Sadly I didn't get a picture of this. :(

We then headed to Artisan Point, which was simply breathtaking. The rocks were all different colors, but mostly yellow and there was a gorgeous waterfall in the distance.

 Driving through Yellowstone was so scenic with beautiful meadows, forests and lakes. Then we saw this lone mountain in the distance as we were driving:

After that we headed to Old Faithful. We walked around the gift shop for a while because the next eruption was at 8:30 and we had about an hour. We got bored and took a picture. :P So I was really sad when Old Faithful went off because I had 6% battery left on my phone and I thought I was recording everything, but sadly I only got that last few seconds...

We left Yellowstone with a beautiful sunset in our review mirror. :) It was a beautiful Saturday and I was so thankful to have the time off to spend with my wonderful husband.