Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finals Week.

         Classes are finished. I can't believe that another semester is already coming to a close. What happened to how slow life used to go? I feel like Andrew and I will be done with school before we know it! Crazy. We still have about two years, but the end of a semester is always exciting. Even if it's just a week off. :) Finals are looking good as well. I have two more and a paper until I'm done. Woot!Woot! For my ENG 333 class we had to do a creative response, so I attempted drawing Gollum:

Sadly, it didn't turn out as creepy as I wished, but I don't think it's too shabby.  For my ENG 331 class we also have to do a creative response, so I'm going to try and do a ink drawing of Gustave Dore's Paradise Lost work of Satan's journey to earth. If it turns out decent, I'll post a picture. The other day we got some exciting mail: Andrew got his temporary work permit! Yay! He's been filling out job/internship applications like crazy.I'm so thankful that I have such a loving and supportive husband!

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