Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finals Week.

         Classes are finished. I can't believe that another semester is already coming to a close. What happened to how slow life used to go? I feel like Andrew and I will be done with school before we know it! Crazy. We still have about two years, but the end of a semester is always exciting. Even if it's just a week off. :) Finals are looking good as well. I have two more and a paper until I'm done. Woot!Woot! For my ENG 333 class we had to do a creative response, so I attempted drawing Gollum:

Sadly, it didn't turn out as creepy as I wished, but I don't think it's too shabby.  For my ENG 331 class we also have to do a creative response, so I'm going to try and do a ink drawing of Gustave Dore's Paradise Lost work of Satan's journey to earth. If it turns out decent, I'll post a picture. The other day we got some exciting mail: Andrew got his temporary work permit! Yay! He's been filling out job/internship applications like crazy.I'm so thankful that I have such a loving and supportive husband!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Conference Weekend

             Andrew and I were able to  go down to Utah this weekend tovisit his parents and attend Conference. It was a blast! Amber was able to come down with us too, which was a lot of fun. I was in need of some sister time, which  we got during the Priesthood Session & we also had a fabulous talk with Andrew's mom.

The beautiful Conference Center. :) I'm not sure if I was allowed to take this picture, but I think it should be fine since Conference hadn't started yet.

While waiting for Conference to start Amber, Ands and I played a few games of hangman. They kept making fun of me because all of my words were something obvious . . . like "pen."
I had to get a few pictures of Amber in the Conference Center/Temple Square since this was her first time in Utah since we were little.
After the morning sessions we went to David's office to eat lunch. Dianne always prepares the most delicious foods. We had sandwiches, muffins, chips, carrots, grapes and strawberries. Although . . .
I think Ands ate all the cheese. :P I can't blame him though . . . Dubliner is yummy cheddar cheese. :)

After Conference Ambs and I got some pictures around the Conference building. IT was so crowded, but we managed. :)

Amber in  front of the Salt Lake City Temple, I really love this temple.

Then Ambs and I in front of the temple. I tried getting Ands to join us, but he didn't want to. :P

Andrew and I with his parents after Conference. Aren't they adorable? I love his parents, they're so awesome!

 Sadly, we had to leave pretty early Sunday night to head back to Rexburg, but on the bright side it's finals week and then we're done with school!


I still  have another three months...

Well, here are some pictures on our drive home. It was so dark & gloomy outside, but also really beautiful!

            I absolutely love Conference weekend! I love being able to hear the Lord's Prophet and His apostles speak. I always leave Conference feeling uplifted and spiritually fed. Right now Andrew and I are taking a family foundations class were we focus on key principles that strength families. Our teacher asked us to pay attention to the conference talks and see if we noticed any of them refererencing the Proclamation; It was interesting to see how many talks highlighted the Proclamation.
             I'm really excited for when Andrew and I start our little family. I know it's going to be difficult raising children with all the problems going on in the world, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives me hope that we can conquer anything.
            I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, I know mine was. :)