Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Eastern Idaho State Fair

One of our favorite things about living in Idaho is the Eastern Idaho State Fair. It's huge, there's lots of delicious food and it's always fun seeing the girls' faces light up as they enjoy the rides. We love how inexpensive and fun a day at the fair can be (well, it's inexpensive until we buy the ride tickets, but the girls will only be young once). 

This picture of Rebekah is one of my favorites! Look at the pure joy of her face as she rides that little horse. P.S. the horse also looks like Lil' Sebastian and we're currently watching Parks & Rec again, so that's pretty cool. :) 

Poor Charlotte and Emily weren't able to ride half of the rides because they were too little, but they enjoyed watching Rebekah and the few rides they could ride. 

Rebekah's love for this ride proves she's her father's daughter. I rode a ride similar to this one with her at Bear World and cried. I do not like the jerky height rides! 

I really wish the twins could have rode more rides, but at least Rebekah was able to enjoy it. The twins had fun riding in their stroller and seeing all the different animals. I'm sure they'll have more fun next year. :) 

This year I actually ordered some funnel cakes and they were scrumptious. The girls all loved the too. We had a fun evening at the fair and because of all the wildfires Idaho has been getting the sun was super red as we were leaving.