Friday, April 21, 2017

The Infernal Devices

I absolutely adore reading, and I literally always have a book at the tip of my fingertips. So, I figured what the heck, I should start writing reviews for the books I'm reading, so I can help other readers find their next favorite book or series. I'm sure no one will see this besides friends and family, but maybe one day I'll get my book published and fans will check out my blog and that would be pretty cool.

Anyway, I just finished reading The Infernal Devices Trilogy by Cassandra Clare, the prequel to the Mortal Instrument Series, which I'm sure a lot of people have heard about now since there has been a movie and TV series made about the book. Okay, so I just want to give a little background for the story before I gave my opinion of each book.

The trilogy follows the story of two Shadowhunters (half-angel demon fighters) James Carstairs and William Herondale. The boys rescue a mysterious women named Tessa Gray from the Dark Sisters, who had imprisoned her by the order of the Magister. They bring Tessa back to the Institute (which is their home/school) with them to keep her safe and figure out what she is exactly. She has powers like a warlock, but not a warlock's mark so that means she can't be a warlock or a mundane (human). As they protect Tessa, evil threatens to take over London, as the Magister gains more and more power.  

Clockwork Angel                    Rating: 4.5/10

“One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”  

I know 4.5/10 isn't that high of a rating, but this book started out really dry. It was really hard for me to get invested in what was happening and to actually feel and care for the characters. The book got better a few chapters in after Tessa had been rescued and more of the characters at the Institute had been introduced.

Another thing that made this book a little harder for me to enjoy, was the excessive reminders of what Shadowhunting was and other elements of the Shadowhunting world. Being a writer, I understand where Cassandra Clare is coming from, since this is supposed to be a prequel she probably figured most readers would read it before reading the Mortal Instrument series. Bu it came out three years later, so if you were already introduced to the Shadowhunting world that would have been a little difficult.

This was really the only problem, which isn't really a problem, that I had with this book. It just made the book drag on a bit, but it was also good in some ways. I was able to learn more about the Shadowhunting world than I had from the Mortal Instrument series. I also really enjoyed how completely different the characters were, some were witty, sly and some were downright terrible. There was a lot of tension and cliffhanging moments that made me stay up way later than I should so I could keep reading.
Clockwork Prince                    Rating: 7/10

“It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them.”  

This book was fantastic! The first book ends with such a major plot twist and cliffhanger that I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book. I almost cried when I thought my library didn't have it. Luckily, they did and I was able to read it. I really loved how much you find out about James and Will's past in this book. There's so much mystery to their past and so much that is left unsaid that I found myself constantly trying to figure out what was going to happen next. I also really enjoyed looking up the Shadowhunter lineage and seeing how the characters in this trilogy are related to the characters from the Mortal Instrument Series. Super nerdy, I know, but when I'm reading a book the characters and their world come alive to me.

Also, there's a love triangle. Not a crappy "does he think I'm cute" love triangle, but there are severe consequences love triangle. You know a book is going to be good, when there's a love triangle. And, my goodness did this book have me in an uproar. I was constantly complaining to Andrew about the actions of so and so and how I thought they were being stupid and I couldn't believe what they had done. He didn't share my feelings though, just told me it was a book haha. I get WAY too invested in the books I'm reading! But I love it. :)

Now, since there is a love triangle there are some heated moments in the book, but it's nothing too bad. There are some making out scenes, but it's all very "PG-13." Which makes me happy, there is nothing like starting to really enjoy a series only to have an ill-placed scene ruin it for you.

Clockwork Princess                    Rating: 6/10

“Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read.”  

I was pretty angry when I started reading this book, mainly because I couldn't believe how Clockwork Prince had ended. The ending was not what I was expecting to happen, which is good, but I also felt for my characters. Now, I won't give anything away, because if you're intrigued by these books and haven't read them then you should. Reading is so good for the soul.

Although I didn't care for how this book started and was kind of at odds with the characters that end up together, I grew to love them as a couple once I gave them a chance. I also loved that Tessa had so much torment over the boy she choose and the boy she couldn't admit that she loved. It made her feel relatable. I'm glad she didn't just give up on life and decide not to do anything because she couldn't be with the boy she wanted. That would have been very dull and would have made the rest of the book seem tedious.

The ending of the book was nice, but I almost wish Clare would have left out the epilogue. It was nice seeing what happened to the characters, but it felt a little too perfect to me. I didn't like how Tessa had the perfect happy ending, which makes me sound horrible, but if you read the book hopefully you'll understand my pain.

The Infernal Devices Trilogy           Rating: 8/10

Overall, the trilogy was really good. I felt happy, angry, sad, annoyed and a bunch of other emotions while reading, and that's what reading is all about. It's supposed to make you feel, to learn, to have empathy. This is definitely a series I wouldn't mind reading again.  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Boise Aquarium!

We took the girls to the Aquarium Monday. It was so much fun seeing all the different fish. The aquarium had little splash tank areas where the kids could interact with the fish. The twins loved being able to splash, but didn't care too much about touching the sharks or sting rays. I even braved the tank and touched a sting ray!  

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter 2017 :)

We were able to go down to Boise and spend Easter with Ashley, Micah and Madison. :) Amber and Brandon were also able to come down! It was so nice being able to take a break from every day life and spend time with the family.

I couldn't get over the amount of cuteness that filled the room as the girls played together. I love how close Madison and Rebekah are.

The Easter bunny came to visit us at our hotel and the girls were so excited. :) 

Later that evening, we set up an Easter egg hunt for the girls. It was so fun watching them run around and collect eggs. Charlotte went crazy going!