Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Family Pictures & Mesa Falls!

My brother-in-law, Micah, got released from the Air Force earlier this year, so my sister and her family have been living with us until they can find a place of their own. It's been so nice spending time together as a family and getting to watch our kids grow together. 

Since three of us kids are in the state of Idaho, my mom wanted us to get some family pictures done as a group and individually for her. We took them on the BYUI campus inside the Rick's Gardens. 

Shortly after Micah and Ashley had moved in with us we decided to take a trip to Mesa Falls.

This is the view of the Lower Falls.

Andrew being all cute and posing for a picture with the twins.

And, this is the view of Rebekah not posing for a quick family picture in front of the falls. 

Ashley, Micah and Madison in front of the Lower Falls. Madison is such a little sweetheart! I am so glad Ashley and Micah are living with us right now and we're getting the chance to know their little family better. 

The Upper Falls were just as gorgeous as the Lower Falls. It was so much fun being able to explore the area with Amber, Ashley, Micah and Madison.

Rebekah really wanted to climb on the rocks by herself and didn't like it when I told her no. This is her trying to escape to Auntie Amber. 

It was a really fun day, spending time with family and exploring Mesa Falls. We even had a pretty good view of the Tetons on the way back.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Twins at six months!

  Charlotte and Emily you still love being swaddled and still fit in your hospital swaddles (sweet little things!) You've also have had your first taste of baby cereal and loved it! 

Big sister had a lot of fun helping mommy feed you girls. She loves helping out every chance she gets and loves playing with you so much. You both love cuddling with each other and will sleep almost anywhere still. :) 

How did we celebrate you turning six months? Why we went to Utah to visit Nanny and Granddad of course! And, Lauren, Aaron, Charlie and Penny came to visit from England! Yay! 

Rebekah had so much fun playing with Charlie and Penny while we were in Utah. I wish we lived closer so we could have cousin playdates all the time. Maybe one day. ;) 

Rebekah had a lotto fun chasing Penny as she rode the bicycle.

And, Penny had a lot of fun chasing Rebekah on the bicycle. :) 

While we were in Utah we decided to check out Thanksgiving Point and The Museum of Natural Curiosity. All of the children loved the museum and thought it was an absolute hit! 

Just practicing their monkey swings! 

Charlotte was enjoying the day out, having fun eating her hand and laughing to herself. 

While Emily rested and took a nap (don't worry babes, mommy loves nap time too!) 

The children had fun trying on costumes in the play theater at the museum. 

Andrew and Aaron even joined in on the fun! 

Rebekah and Penny had fun playing with the fake washing machine. 

We found a fun splash park inside of the museum just before we left. I think this must have been Rebekah's favorite part as she was soaking wet by the end! 

We couldn't visit Utah without spending a day in SLC at Temple Square. 

Rebekah was more interested with the fountain and throwing coins in than looking at the Temple.