Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Four months already?

Charlotte & Emily

How is it possible that you gorgeous baby girls are already four months!? Where has the time gone? You both have grown so much within the past month. You have had your first try of baby cereal. Emily you were really excited to have the cereal, but Charlotte was a little hesitant at first.

Emily you now weigh 11 pounds and are 24 inches long. Charlotte you now weigh 11.5 pounds and are 25 inches long. Charlotte and Emily you both are a little more interactive with big sister Rebekah and each other. She loves being around both of you and holding you girls every chance she gets.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Valentine's Day Crafts!

This year I decided to knock off a few if my Pinterest DIY projects and ended up with these adorable Valentine's Day creations. 
Rebekah had a lot of fun helping me out with the painting. She loved making little pink handprints. 

We also made some super cute Valentine's Day cards for the grandparents. 

And, I finally made the 52 reasons I love you craft for Andrew that I've been neglecting. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Birthday Shenanigans!

This year for Andrew's birthday my little sister was nice enough to babysit the girls so we could have a night away to ourselves.
We went to the Museum of Idaho to see the hatching the past exhibit, which is amazing. It's so much fun to see how big dinosaur eggs were and how the babies grew.

While we were in Idaho Falls we also stopped by Barnes & Nobles to get some new books. We got this cool book about castles in the UK. 

We went to Olive Garden for Andrew's birthday and it was so scrumpcious! We got this yummy desert for free!