Sunday, January 31, 2016

Twins at Three Months!

Charlotte & Emily

Can you guess who is who? Baby girls, I know you're identical twins, but could you look anymore alike? Mommy would never be able to tell you girls apart if it wasn't for your dummy holders...or the fact that we paint Charlotte's toenails.

It's been so much fun watching you girls develop your personalities; you both are so much fun to be around.

Love, Mommy

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year, New Me.

 I've never been one to make and keep New Year's resolutions; excuses, junk food, and a lack of energy always seem to get in the way. However, this year will be different. See in the past my goals just focused on bettering myself, which is a fantastic goal, but I never had enough drive to actually make the change. 

So this year my New Year's resolutions focus around my family, and how the choices I make will make my family healthier, stronger and closer to God. 

  • This year I resolve to eat healthier and exercise more. I know, I know this should have been a goal from the getco and I really wish I had started this habit sooner, but I didn't. This year I'm going to make changes to my daily diet (cut back on sweets, add more veggies & fruits, and exercise lots) because I want to set a good example for my three beautiful children and wonderful husband. I want to make it easy for us to enjoy great food, without having to worry about all of the calories we're eating. So I plan on consulting Pinterest and finding low-calorie meals and snacks for us to try. 
  •  This year I resolve to loose my pre-pre-baby weight. Yes, I'm talking about the weight I've racked on from the twin's and Rebekah's birth. Before I got pregnant with Rebekah I wore a size 9 in jeans, and I'm ashamed to admit I've gone up a few sizes since then and gained quite a few pounds. By no means do I think I'm fat, but I know I'm extremely unhealthy and because of that I want to make some changes. 
  • This year I resolve to read my scriptures more. I've never been good at reading the scriptures, but I've spend hours pouring my heart and soul into countless YA fiction books. Reading is great, and there's nothing wrong with reading for enjoyment. However, if I can make time to keep up on the latest, trending YA books I certainly can make time to read my scriptures and try  to understand what they're saying. 
  •  This year I resolve to make time for family night. Andrew and I have always been good at spending time together. We love watching movies together or playing board games/video games together. But I really want to set aside time every day that we each have some one on one time with the girls. We could read them a book, play a game with them, anything really as long as we're spending quality time with them. Although, I don't just want our family nights to be fun & games; I want them to mean a little but more. So each Monday I want to set aside an hour after dinner to learn more about our Savior Jesus Christ and what we can do to become more like him. 
  • I want to resolve to finish writing The Missing Piece and send it a publishing agency. I've been working on this book for the last five years, and I'm scared to let go of it. I'm scared of reject. I'm scared that it won't get publish. I'm scared that people will laugh in my face. But how am I to know what will happen if I never try? I need to take a leap of faith, finish my book, and hope for the best. Maybe my book will never get published, maybe no one outside of family will ever read it, and you know what that is okay. Because at least I will have finished it and taken that leap of faith.
  • I want to resolve to write more. This goes along with the goal to finish my book. I'm no longer in school, so I don't have deadlines telling me when my next story is due. I don't have teachers handing out writing assignments that guarantee I'll get some writing in each day. So, if I'm serious about being a YA author—and I am because I love writing more than anything in the world—I need to stop playing around and start taking writing seriously. I need to take the time to write every day; whether it's blogging, working on my book, writing in my journal or catching up on letters. Any form of writing will help improve my skills and bring me closer to my goal of becoming a YA author. 
  • I want to resolve to read more. I love reading, but sometimes I get so pulled into my TV shows that I forfeit a good book. However, recently I've been reading nonstop. Amber told me about Overdrive (an app that access ebooks through your library) and since I've downloaded I've read at least 10 books in the past month. I've been reading as I feed the twins during the day & night, I've been reading as I wait at the doctors. I've been reading any chance that I get. And, I want to stick to it after the twins' midnight feedings stop. I want my children to have a love for reading, and seeing me read and having me read to them, will help that love develop.  
I have quite a few goals for this upcoming year, it's not going to be easy, but I know I can do it. I want to make this changes in my life. I want to better myself and draw closer to my Heavenly Father and Savior. I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. I want to become a better mom and wife. And, I know I can reach every one of my goals as I learn to rely on my Heavenly Father more fully and seek His guidance and help. 

So. what life changing goals do you have for 2016? What challenges are you ready to tackle? I wish you the best in your endeavors and know you'll be satisfied if you stick to it. Keep your chin up, look towards the future, and don't let anything keep you down.