Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rebekah's first Christmas!

Rebekah is such a little ham! She had so much fun decorating for Christmas, well . . . rolling around playing with the ornaments, messing with the wrapping paper, and trying to unwrap every gift under the tree. But every moment of pulling her away or telling her "no" was worth it to see her face on Christmas morning. 

 Andrew and I decided that we want to give our children a Christmas Eve box with jammies, a movie and some other goodies, so here's miss cutie pants opening up her first Christmas Eve box. 

We're really happy for this wonderful time of year, and grateful for our loving Savior and all that he's done for us. It was such a blessing having Andrew's parents up for Christmas and experiencing Rebekah's first Christmas. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Leftover Christmas Soup.

Christmas leftovers are always great, I mean who doesn't love turkey and ham? But after a while turkey  and ham sandwiches get boring and start to taste bland. Besides when the weather is cold, freezing and there's like eight inches of snow you want something warm and filling...or at least I do. And, let's face it Rexburg has a ridiculous amount of snow. And, with all this snow I decided to turn my leftovers into a yummy soup instead.

It turned out absolutely delicious, and the best part--most of the ingredients are easily on hand and are probably collecting dust in your cupboard. ;) Which means you don't even have to step outside in the cold. Yay! 

Enjoy your soup with a nice slice of homemadebread or a loaf off French bread...okay maybe you'll need to go to the store after all. But this soup is simple, delicious and sure to become a new family favorite. :)