Friday, February 7, 2014

Rebekah's first month!

You're such a sweet little girl, I can't believe you're already a month old! It feels like we were just bringing you home from the hospital. It's been so exciting adjusting to being your mommy! I feel truly blessed because you're such a happy baby, you hardly ever get fussy. Right now you love stretching (you stretch your neck a lot & it reminds daddy and me of a turtle), you love your dummy and growl at it when it falls out, you love your bouncer, you love mommy & daddy cuddles, you love moving, especially your hands and you love smiling. You get the hiccups a lot and don't like them, but who can blame you. I'm so glad Heavenly Father sent you down to us Rebekah. You're a little angel and mommy loves you so much!